how to help

In the past century, Earth’s biosphere has been slowly degrading. This is largely due to industrialization– As factory production has advanced, many incidents were observed such as the plumes of smoke that came from them, the oil spills, smog, and acid rain to name a few.

In 1970, these issues were brought to national attention as Senator Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day. Earth Day eventually led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and other environmental laws, including the National Environmental Education Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the Clean Air Act. Since then, the holiday has been held annually on April 22nd.

Despite this, pollution and climate change are still huge issues to this day. It can be discouraging to look at statistics, and it’s easy to fall into a pessimistic mindset and believe you can’t help at all.

However, small changes have ripple effects. Even if there's not much you can do, doing something which could reduce or recycle waste adds up. Even more so if you get your family and friends in on it!

One of the main purposes of Ecospace is to inform people on small ways they can change their lifestyle to better the planet, as well as write guides on other topics to be aware of! So what can you do to help?

1 - Be a Conscious Consumer

There are numerous ways you can be more aware of how you shop. Try buying from eco-friendly brands, and start bringing your own reusable bags. You can also save the plastic ones from the store as liners for smaller trash cans and potential crafts. Switch to reusable soap, shampoo, and conditioner bottles to save the amount of plastic you buy, and money!

It's a great idea to plan your meals before you shop for groceries so you don't over-shop. For the same reason, you can start keeping track of what you tend to throw away so you know to buy less of it, saving more and wasting less in the process.

2 - Reduce Water Usage

You hear about this one a lot, but this is truly one of the easiest ways you can help the environment. Stop purchasing cases of waterbottles and instead start carrying around a reusable one. Doing laundry loads in cold water uses less energy and are also easier on fabrics!

3 - Walk When You Can

Transportation emits more than half of nitrogen oxides in our air, and is a major source of heat-trapping emissions in the US. So cutting down on driving really adds up. This is something that's less feasable if you don't live in a city, and even a lot of cities aren't fully walkable. It's still a good idea to cut down when you can. This could be walking to your local grocery store if you only need a couple items, or walking across an outdoor plaza instead of driving to each store in it. Carpooling can also be a great way to reduce the pollution cars create.

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